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The best way to charge a lead-acid battery

Charging a lead-acid battery can seem like a complicated process. This is a multi-stage process that requires changes in current and voltage. However, if you use a smart lead-acid battery charger, the charging process is very simple because the smart charger uses a microprocessor to automate the whole process.

your main task is to find out the specific cell types, and select the correct Settings on automatic charger. After connecting the battery to the charger, your battery will be fully charged and ready in a few hours. When storing your battery, there are also several steps you can take to optimize its lifespan.


1, in a well-ventilated place to recharge the battery

select a garage or shed. If you can, open a door or window. Good ventilation is important because there are a variety of gases that build up in the battery during charging, which can be drained from the battery if it is overcharged or shorted. If the battery is placed in an area with poor ventilation, it may cause an explosion.

Ventilation in most enclosed Spaces should be sufficient to minimize this risk.

however, the small hut is closed, crawl space or other small room ventilation may not be enough.

2, dealing with lead-acid batteries, Please take appropriate precautions

wear protective glasses and gloves, in order to avoid the battery leakage acid. Keep flammable materials and items that could spark, such as electronics, away from the battery. And hold the battery at least 18 inches (46 cm) above the ground.

do not smoking in the vicinity of a lead-acid battery

do not attempt to freeze, damage or leakage of the battery.

If battery acid spills into your eyes or skin, flush the affected area with warm water for at least 30 minutes and seek immediate medical attention.

Put the baking soda nearby. If battery acid spills onto any surfaces, cover the spill area with baking soda to neutralize the acid.

after processing the lead-acid battery, thoroughly rinse gloves, then wash with soap and water in the body.

3, using intelligent lead-acid battery charger for the battery

Lead-acid batteries need to be charged in stages and voltages. This can be difficult to do, so the best way to charge a battery is with a smart charger that automates the multi-stage process.

the intelligent charger with microprocessor, can monitor the battery and according to the need to adjust the current and voltage to achieve the best effect of charging.

Using a multi-stage smart charger will reduce the risk of overcharging or undercharging the battery.

you can in the most large home decoration store to buy lead-acid battery charger.

to purchase with the desulfurization model charger to keep battery performance

this pattern will decompose the lead sulfate crystals in the battery. Follow the instructions in the user manual that came with the specific battery to use this mode.

4, } the positive (+) the charger of red cable clamp is connected to the positive (+) column

when handling cable clamp, be sure to contact only color plastic parts, don't touch the metal. Squeeze the clamp and place the teeth of the clamp firmly on the battery post.

During this step, keep the battery charger disconnected from the power supply.

Place the charger as far away from the battery as possible in case the charger fails and sparks.

Place the charger at the same height as the side of the battery, never higher or lower than the battery.

anode (-) 5, the black cable clamp fixed to the cathode (-) Column on

according to connect the red clip to the positive column when the same steps. Do not let the cable clips touch each other when fixing them to the corresponding posts on the battery.

If you want to charge the battery while it is still in the car, connect the negative cable clamp to the chassis of the vehicle.

Keep the battery charger disconnected from the power supply during this step as well.

6, insert the charger grounding GFCI Protection socket

to find there is red "reset" button on the socket. This socket helps protect you from electric shocks while using the battery charger.

Ground fault Circuit breaker (GFCI) socket controls the amount of electricity inserted into the device and cuts off power if it detects a power imbalance that could lead to electric shock.

Do not plug the charger into any type of plug adapter. Plug it directly into the socket.

7, find the battery type, Know to choose charging set

to check the battery attached user manual, understand the specific types of batteries. If you don't have a user manual, look for the manufacturer's name and part number on the battery, then look it up online or call the manufacturer.

The manufacturer's name and part number are usually printed on the front of the battery.

You need to pay special attention to whether your battery is a liquid-rich lead-acid battery, an AGM (absorbent glass fiber) battery or a gel battery.

8, find the charger and battery type matching set

All smart chargers have different displays and Settings. To find the correct programming Settings for your battery, look in the charger's user manual for a table or guide that explains which Settings work for which type of battery.

Some advanced chargers offer quick setup options that include several common battery types to choose from. Other chargers will have a screen where you can enter the specific voltage and current specifications provided by the battery manufacturer.

before 9, disconnect the clip, Please turn off and unplug chargers

after completion of the battery (this process may take several hours), please turn off the equipment. Then, unplug the charger cable from the electrical outlet. First unplug the negative (-) cable clip, then unplug the positive (+) cable clip.

display charger will let you know when the battery charging is complete.

to unplug the power cord from the socket, should pull the plug, rather than pull wires.

Disconnect the cable clip as far away from the battery as possible.